Please join us on Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 11 am for an author talk and book signing with Jack Butler and Diane Ham, authors of Mendon Ponds Park: Fairchild’s Dream, a superb history of our beloved Mendon Ponds Park, the largest park in Monroe County. Jack leads frequent tours through the park for Fairchild Tours, and Diane is the long-time historian for the Town of Mendon. Come listen to Jack and Diane share their stories about how their book came about and learn about the Mendon Ponds Park you never knew existed!
Jack Butler – Jack spent most of his professional career in medical diagnostics and medical devices launching first-of-their-kind FDA cleared products in women’s health within the United States. After over 30 years in healthcare, he started his own family run business. For decades, he has run, hiked, skied, and explored the Park on and off trail, which led to research into various aspects of Mendon Ponds. In 2021, Jack initiated the Fairchild Walking Tours with approval from the County of Monroe Parks Department and sponsorship by the Town of Pittsford Department of Recreation. A variety of Tours leads participants through different areas while he shares information about the Park’s history, glacial features, former residents, flora and fauna, and unique features. Jack and spouse, Peggy, have been married forty-one years and have 2 children and 2 grandchildren. Jack is a graduate of SUNY Cortland.
Diane Ham – Diane Ham was born in Oklahoma, grew up in Michigan, spent a few years in Kentucky and has lived in the Brighton / Mendon, New York area for about fifty-five years. She has a BS degree in business administration from Central Michigan University. She has been Mendon Town Historian, where she currently lives, for forty-five years. She has written several books and booklets on Mendon subjects. She became a registered historian of New York State in 2005 and is past president of the Monroe County Municipal Historians and a member of the Association of Public Historians of New York State. In her spare time, she and her husband, Rodney, of sixty years enjoy renovating their old farmhouse, camping, and traveling extensively. They have two married sons and two granddaughters who live in Michigan.